Baked Off! the Trailer

Introducing some of the characters who occupy the world of 'Baked Off!'. Duncan is a young IT freelancer in Edinburgh, Heather is his landlady. Julianna is a middle-aged ex-dancer who lives in Liverpool with her husband Ade, and son Sammy. Caroline runs an online cookery class, and she has invited her husband's Australian godmother, an elderly, reluctantly retired Michelin Starred chef, to teach the class. Duncan, Julianna and Margot prepare for the first class!
Baked Off! campaign trailer Flloyd
[THUNDER, THEME MUSIC] Thunders Mouth Theatre presents. Hi there, it's Flloyd here. Introducing "Baked Off!", a wholemeal—oh, excuse me—wholesome audio comedy series following a group of aspiring home bakers balancing life, work and relationships while aspiring to learn the art of making sourdough bread. Written and produced by the team who brought you "Am I Old Yet?" Here's just an introduction to some of the characters you're gonna meet along the way.
[MUSIC "Comin' Thro' the Rye". Clash of supermarket trolleys. OW!!!
Oops a daisy!
Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't see you coming round the—
What a surprise. Oh dinnae fesh yourself. I'm aye crashing into folk? In'tit fun? Bumping into your pals in the supermarket?
Yeah, great fun.
What are you after today? Something exciting for dinner? I tell you what, why don't you come over to mine's? I'll cook something really nice for you,
Oh. Oh, that's so kind, but no, I'm good, thanks. On a zoom call tonight? Yeah. Learning how to make sourdough bread.
Oh, very fancy.
[ANGLE GRINDER] Damn! Blast!!!
Mum, Daddy's swearing again,
Is it really bad swearing? Or I'm-just-a-bit-cross swearing.? Sammy. Find out what's happening will you, sweetheart?
Dad! Dada. Are you okay? Are you bleeding horribly?
No, thanks for asking, Sam. Just a little bit. Ask Mummy to give you a plaster for me, will you?
Mum, daddy wants a new plaster
I'm not gonna make it in time.
[THEME MUSIC] I'm thinking you must have enjoyed my last course because you've come back for more. Am I right?
Can you hear me? [ZOOM DOORBELL]
Oh, more people coming in. Hang on while I find the right thingy to click on. Ah, there you are. [AUSTRALIAN MAGPIES AND MUSIC] At last. How marvelous. You managed to find your way into all the technology. Welcome.
Yes, so I did. Amazing, isn't it? How do I manage?
This is Margot Paresky, everybody. Chef extraordinaire. Our special guest for today's session. We're so proud to have you join us, Margot, all the way from Australia. Are you keeping well, darling? Quite recovered. You poor thing.
Oh, quite well.
[THEME MUSIC] There's a taste of what's to come. You'll have noticed that we have characters on both sides of the planet, with Duncan and Heather in Scotland, Julianna, Ade and Sammy in England, and Margot in Australia. Those are genuine Aussie magpies you can hear outside her window. Now, as we are firing up on all cylinders to record the episodes, we need your support to fairly compensate our extremely busy, in demand because they're so talented, team and help to cover the costs involved in producing another quality piece of entertainment with great characters, intriguing storylines and maybe some tips on how to actually make sourdough bread. You'll find more info at our website, and the link to our crowdfunding campaign in the show-notes. Please help us to create an unforgettable audio experience filled with laughter and delicious bread.